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Friday, November 19, 2010

You never know what you're going to see or hear anymore


What an afternoon I had.

And it wasn't because of work or bad things happening, either.

I had to go across town in Independence, Missouri for work and saw the wierdest things.

First, I'm driving and saw this bumper sticker on an old, foreign, piece of junk car that says "My child is an honor student.  My president is a MORON."

My first thought is, I hope it's a holdover from 2000-2008.

I doubt it but I can hope.

I mean, can you get a bit more ugly without being arrested?

Then, I pass a church sign, of all things, and can't believe what I see.  Seriously.  Here's what their sign said, in all caps:




Got you on that.

Say, reverend, where, exactly, in the Bible did Jesus say that, anyway?  What chapter and verse is that?

That's what my first thought was.

What does that have to do with "God"?

Second thought:  What does that have to do with love?  Or forgiveness?

Third:  What does that have to do with Jesus?

Doesn't it seem to suggest that the guy who put that sign up has some issue with the very secular amd worldly government of the country right now?  And doesn't that seem to have nothing whatsoever to do with any deity?

Nice priorities there, fellas.

I can imagine what kind of redneck, right-wing, "Christian", conservative, closed-minded group that is.  they just scream it.

Having done a Google search for this saying, I see jacques_usa had it made into a bumper sticker to purchase online.  Yeehaw, huh?  I wonder if he came up with it, again, during Dubya's reign of terror.  You can bet he didn't.  Oh, and it also lead me on a path, from there, to a bunch of redneck, right wing mentions and references to overtaking government, etc., etc., blah, blah, blah, 'cuz they're such tough guys.

What really got me, though, was that, according to, the original phrase came from--wait for it--wait for it---the Civil War.

Man, this gets tiresome.

I'd really bust out laughing but for the rampant and pitiful ignorance in the country.

The actual, original phrase was from Thomas Jefferson and it was "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty."

But they wouldn't want to deal with truth, accuracy or intelligence.

Try to have a great weekend, y'all.

Links to search:,26473,27414,27552,27687,27739&sugexp=lcprodsca4&xhr=t&q=when+tyranny+becomes+law+resistance+becomes+duty&cp=29&qe=V0hFTiBUWVJSQU5OWSBCRUNPTUVTIExBVyBSRVM&qesig=gaQZCLEZvQ_VNbVfkKd6vw&pkc=AFgZ2tl0Rx3ANMLoyIjR8ixibNDZA1lQRC8ExLbYWCn09HXn14fnAcgwv45u1jVqfPDTuifT13Xg6AkOVzzWu5yZ7pMqhCal6A&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=0l&aqi=&aql=f&oq=&gs_rfai=&pbx=1&fp=94fb864a6b447b62

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