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Friday, November 12, 2010

Veterans Day, in retrospect

I have to tell you, if you don't have a Veteran in your life and/or you didn't go to an Applebee's restaurant yesterday, you really missed something.

But first, a little background.

At my office this week, a newer colleague--a Vet--asked me Wednesday if I'd care to go with him to lunch Thursday--yesterday, of course--for Veterans Day as they were giving Vets a free meal.  (There really is a free lunch, occasionally, if infrequently).

Naturally, I said yes and we made plans.

So off we went yesterday and I had no expectations for the lunch or experience.  I didn't think much of it.

What a payoff I got.

When we arrived, the place was packed.  It was nearly standing room only.  I had no idea that a) it would be so busy or that b) Applebee's did this annually.  I didn't know any restaurant group did this.

Next, what I noticed was that Applebee's--this one, at least--was really ready for this onslaught.  Everyone was flying--calmly and under terrific control and organization--everywhere.

And check this out--instead of just printing up a sheet that the restaurant would re-use, year after year, without a date on it, Applebee's had a nice big laminated sheet printed up with the specials for the Vets right on it.  That was expensive.  They didn't have to do that, either.

After that I noticed that the camraderie was almost palpable.  Whoever wasn't just quiet and cooperative was ready and willing to chat nearly anyone else up.  It was all "hello" and "how are you?" and "when did you serve" and "where did you serve?" and all that.  It was terrific.  Really fantastic.

My co-worker and I chatted up another senior Vet who said he served from 1947 on and retired with the service after serving all over the US.  He was a really nice, talkative guy.

And the Vets were all ages, too.  Most were Seniors but some were young guys in uniform.

The staff got us to our table, took our order and after a little wait, we had our food.

Was it fantastic food?  No, not really.  But it was good.

And far more than that, it was served to a large and very appreciative crowd.  I'd never witnessed such a full house of good feeling before.  Really, there was nothing like it.

Sure, if you're cynical, you could point out that Applebee's more than made up for whatever they gave away. I recognize that.

But this "giveaway" and all the work it took was a great way to say thank you to all kinds of Vets, nationwide, and a terrific way for them to impart goodwill that would last all year, for me, at least (and I'm not even a Vet), but for a large number of Vets nationwide, who took them up on their offer.

So kudos, Applebee's.  That was/is a terrific idea, a great effort and a really nice thing to do for all the Vets and, who knows?  Maybe all the rest of us US citizens, too.

It warmed my cold heart on a cool, Autumn day.


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