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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

House Republicans: Wrong on so many issues

President Obama is meeting today with House Republicans, in an effort to set a tone for the next Congressional session, in hopes we can get good things done for the country.

As I so frequently say, here's hoping.

We know "The Party of No" wants to block this president on issue after issue so, as Mitch McConnell said, they can do their best to "assure that he's a one-term president," country be damned.

What's striking is how so very clearly wrong these House Republicans are on issue after issue.

Three quick examples:

First is the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy.  Naturally, the Republicans want to at least slow down ridding ourselves of this mistake, if not just keep the policy, however wrong it is.

The military's own internal survey came out, also today, and shows the conclusion that "overturning the law known as 'don't ask, don't tell' might cause some disruption at first but would not create any widespread or long-lasting problems."

Thank you.  We knew that.  Let's move on.

The second item the Republicans are absolutely wrong and off base on is keeping the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy.  Quoting Robert Reich,  political economist, professor, author, and political commentator:  "The top don't need the cuts, don't deserve them, and won't spend the windfall (and thereby stimulate the economy).  Besides which, extending the tax cuts for the wealthy--those making $250,000.00 or more per year, adds to the debt to the tune of 700 billion dollars.  That's all.  (Note that that's 3/4 of one trillion dollars, folks.  Not "chump change.")

Finally, the one issue where the Repubs are clearly so out of step with the country, even the world, and progess is the nuclear treaty proposed for us and Russia that's pending right now.

This has been worked on for years.  And it's been worked on by Republicans, Republican presidents and Republican administrations.  They're all on record as saying it's good for the US, it's good for the Russians and it's good, in fact, for the world.

But no go, say the Republicans.  They just can't have this president be successful, no matter what.  They came to that conclusion long, long ago and they're sticking with it.

Again, country be damned.

These guys need to come up with things that are good for this country and get working on them.  You'd think they'd agree.

Here's a thought:  how about working on a jobs program?



Joe White said...

yeah, the Republicans will put the finishing touches on the jobs bill that the Democrats are currently ooooops, they're not working on anything, hmmmmmmm

The Dems spent $787 billion on a fiasco of a bill to create 'shovel ready jobs' and the money you now want to spend on jobs has already been flushed down the toilet.

Mo Rage said...

glad you're giving the Dems the credit for that bill--even though it was created and begun by Dubya' and Hank Paulson.

As it turns out, all economists are saying it went extremely well since GM has nearly paid us back, it saved all those jobs and is going to cost far, far less than originally expected.

It must have been the execution of this president, who got it right.