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Friday, November 12, 2010

To the Tea Party..

In case you haven't seen this already

To the Tea Party members:

You didn't get angry when the Supreme Court "Conservative Judicial Activists" Five stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.

You didn't get angry when Cheney allowed energy company officials to dictate energy policy while excluding any environmentalists from that meeting.

You didn't get angry when on Spet. 10 2001, 1 day before 9-11 Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon lost 2.3 TRILLION dollars.

You didn't get angry when Bush's generals let Bin Laden escape from Tora Bora.

You didn't get angry when a covert CIA operative was outed because her husband did his job and exposed Bush's lies about yellowcake uranium.

You didn't get angry when the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the John Warner Defense Bill were passed and our Constitutional rights were shredded.

You didn't get angry when Bush illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.

You didn't get angry when it was revealed that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, and Rice all lied us into the illegal, unnecessary war on Iraq.

You didn't get angry when Bush spent over 600 billion dollars (and counting) on the illegal, unnecessary Iraq war.

You didn't get angry when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq.

You didn't get angry as thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were killed or maimed in Bush's illegal, unnecessary war.

You didn't get angry when it was revealed U.S. soldiers and the CIA were torturing people, including in former KGB prisons.

You didn't get angry when Bush admitted the government was illegally wiretapping Americans
You didn't get angry when it was revealed that Bush ignored many warnings of the 9/11 terrorism.

You didn't get angry when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital while you claimed you "supported our troops".

You didn't get angry when Bush let New Orleans drown.

You didn't get angry when mostly white people were helped in New Orleans.

You didn't get angry when it was revealed Bush ignored warnings about Hurricane Katrina and the levees.

You didn't get angry when Bush gave a 900 billion tax break to the rich.

You didn't get angry when Bush turned Clinton's budget surplus into a gigantic budget deficit.

You didn't get angry when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark, and our debt hit the thirteen trillion dollar mark.

You didn't get angry when Exxon earned more in profits than any company ever, but paid zero U.S. taxes.

You didn't get angry when, using reconciliation, a trillion dollars of our tax dollars were redirected to insurance companies for Medicare Advantage which cost over 20 percent more for basically the same services that Medicare provides.

You finally got angry when Obama decided that people in America deserved to see a doctor if they are sick, but you got angry at Obama, not the insurance corporations and drug companies that wrote Obama's bill. If Obama were white, would you hate him so much?

Illegal wars, killing Americans and Iraqi and Afghani women and children, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all okay with you.

But an African-American President taking the first very flawed, very insufficient step to getting health care for all of us?

Hell, no! That's "socialism"! you say, as you depend on Social Security and Medicare.

Socialism for corporations and the rich doesn't make you angry. Only "socialism" by Democrats is "un-American" to you.

Only "liberals" are your sworn enemies.

Are you aware that liberals and progressives fought to get us all: vacations, the 40-hour workweek, weekends off, the minimum wage, worker safety laws, child labor laws, the right to vote for women, environmental protections, food inspections, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, to name just some of the social improvements which are hallmarks of a civilized society?

Wake Up... Wake Up... Wake Up

With thanks and a hat tip to "angry chad" blog:


Joe White said...

"If Obama were white, would you hate him so much?"

Another desperate attempt to play the race card.

It's no wonder that Americans are sick and tired of liberals.

Sevesteen said...

The only reason the Tea Party didn't object to most of this list is because the Tea Party did not exist yet. Many if not most of the individuals I know of who are sympathetic to the Tea Party objected at the time, and continue to object to many or most of what is on this list. Neither Bush nor Cheney are Tea Party favorites.

Although my candidate lost, I don't consider the election stolen--it was a tie, decided almost by coin toss.

The Patriot Act was an abomination, and an example of bad law passed in a hurry, without full understanding, using an 'emergency' as an excuse. Like the Bailouts.

Not going to blame Bush for ignoring warnings--Need to know the true context, I suspect that every president is inundated with warnings.

...and I'm tired of the race card, that if I don't want socialized medicine, it must be because Obama is black. I think socialized medicine is a moderately big mistake, but the way it is being done is an enormous mistake--basically forcing everyone to buy from the very companies that have caused much of the problem in the first place, and making some of the best options for affordable care illegal.

...and I'd be glad to give up any future Social Security benefits if I could quit paying into it now. Is someone who paid into Social Security etc. under protest morally barred from collecting?

Statists are my sworn enemy, not liberals--although both liberals and conservatives may be statist. Bush was a statist. Obama is a statist. Big government will be corrupt, and the bigger it is, the more corrupt it will be. We need to shrink all of government, not just the other side's agenda. That means the military, TSA, earmarks, as well as social programs.

Mo Rage said...


the truth of too many Americans over-reacting to this President because he's Black is obvious it's virtually palpable. If it's not true for you, terrific, but facts are facts.

And Americans are only clamboring for jobs and a good economy, period. It's the economy and the deficit, a great deal of which the previouis president created.

Mo Rage said...


nonsense and poppycock.

The Tea Party, as such, didn't exist because there wasn't this Black man in the office of President, surrounded by a bunch of very capable, intelligent women in leadership positions, while a bunch of Mexican-Americans and other Hispanics were also in the country, seemingly threatening them and their power, while we have a nearly 10% unemployment rate, high debt and a not-terrific economy. They didn't exist because they weren't scared and upset yet. And they weren't scared until a white guy wasn't leading them, at least in part, along with all this other stuff, simultaneously.

And you can be "tired of the race card" all you want but that doesn't mean that, for a lot of people in America, it isn't a factor.

On this we agree: "Bush was a statist. Obama is a statist. Big government will be corrupt, and the bigger it is, the more corrupt it will be. We need to shrink all of government, not just the other side's agenda. That means the military, TSA, earmarks, as well as social programs."

have a great weekend,


Sevesteen said...

I'm sure the race card exists--but it works both ways. I don't think a white politician with similar experience and platform would have been elected. There are also people who support Obama because he is black rather than because of his policies

Mo Rage said...

okay, sure, I have to acknowledge and grant you that.

Joe White said...

Mo Rage wrote:

"facts are facts"

So, it's a 'fact' that someone is a racist just because you think so?

Obama sat at the feet of a racist reverend for 20 years and learned the craft of divisive discourse based on race. And after calling him 'my mentor' and bringing his kids every Sunday, he then pretended he didn't really know what the guy taught.

Obama didnt object when his church gave a lifetime achievement award to Louis Farrakhan.

Obama only objected when his church's teaching became public knowledge.

Obama threw his own grandmother under the bus as 'a typical white person' who reacts wrong to black people. Obama reveals his opinion here, not only of his grandma, but of whites in general.

Obama told Californians that Americans 'cling to their guns and their religion and their antipathy to those that aren't like them(i.e. they are racists)'

It is Obama that has constantly used race as a divisive issue for his own political advancement.

As I said, it's hypocrisy like this that makes Americans sick and tired of liberals, and one of the main reasons that they lost big in 2010 and will lose big in 2012.

Mo Rage said...

no, my opinion is as irrelevant as yours.

Americans are simply sick, if that's the word, of not enough jobs but far too much spending.

Have a nice week.

Joe White said...

Actually some states with very high unemployment, like Nevada, kept their Democratic senator.

To imply that Americans simply voted their pocketbook, or because of the unemployment rate, isn't really totally accurate.

Mo Rage said...

My statement wasn't an absolute. Nothing is an absolute in voting but by and large, people voted their pocketbooks and have been for some time, understandably.