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Monday, December 6, 2010

What CAN our government do?

After that last nightmare of an administration in the White House that couldn't run anything (FEMA, EPA, etc.) and didn't want to, it got to seeming as though our government never did work and never would again.

Of course, that's patently not true--our government used to work, if even mostly.

But news today, check it out:

Government can’t print money properly

Because of a problem with the presses, the federal government has shut down production of its flashy new $100 bills, and has quarantined more than 1 billion of them -- more than 10 percent of all existing U.S. cash -- in a vault in Fort Worth, Texas, reports CNBC.
"There is something drastically wrong here," one source told CNBC. "The frustration level is off the charts."

You know, all we want is a government that works.  Yes, we want a smaller government and we want a government that costs and taxes us less but right off the bat, that government should be able to do what we set it up for.

And check out that number---they printed more than a billion of these things before they figured out they won't work?

Come on, guys.  Could someone pay attention to some detail here?

Just so we know they've wasted our tax dollars--some more, check out this beauty:

The flawed bills, which cost around $120 million to print, will have to burned.

The thing is, this fits right in with the fact that we need all the chuckleheads who've been voted into office--or any and all political parties--to go back to Washington, work together and do good things for all of the citizens of the country.

To heck with the respective political party, to heck with putting their own needs first--we need those people to go back to Washington and do what's good for the country, period.

There are a whole lotta' people pretty upset out here.

And that's putting it--very--nicely.  A lot of us are disgusted with the way government and government officials don't seem to be able to make things work.

You're wearing our patience, ladies and gentlemen.


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