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Thursday, December 2, 2010

America: Not a Democracy, using Capitalism

If you don't just read or listen to the same tired things, you can be more fully aware of the oligarchy and plutocracy and plutonomy of America.


Joe White said...

He's right, we aren't a democracy. We are a republic.

Mo Rage said...

...and ultimately controlled--and owned--by an oligarchy.

Joe White said...

Did you ever hear of the ballot?

Republicans were far outspent in the House, yet they won overwhelming control of that House. (btw Republicans outspent Dems in the Senate and the Dems retained the Senate.)

Don't tell me it's all a matter of money.

rashid1891 said...

good site ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Mo Rage said...

I wasn't speaking only of the election--the last one or any other. I was speaking of the wealthy and corporations being in charge. The "bigger picture."

Mo Rage said...

Thanks, Rashid.