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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Vote Tuesday---and remember


Donna. W said...

I will vote. But you don't want to know HOW I'll vote. Sorry. Hey, at least I keep your blog on my sidebar so people can read what you have to say, because I'm open minded like that.

By the way, how I'm voting has nothing to do with abortion or same-sex marriages.

Mo Rage said...

Terrific--by all means, vote. And you know, I'm hard on Republicans--the leadership, anyway, and believe me, I don't think Democrats are saints or perfect by a long shot, trust me.

Finally, heaven knows I'm glad you're not a single-issue voter like on abortion or same-sex marriage.

What we need are more ways to see that we're all Americans and that we need to define and then solve our problems as a group---together.

Enjoy your Sunday.



Mo Rage said...

and I love your blog, btw

Our Mom first made ratatouille. It brings back very fond memories and a lot more.
