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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Quote of the day--on choices in democracies

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."  --Louis D. Brandeis

Plutocracy anyone?


Or just throw in the towel and go for the whole shootin' match--Plutarchy?


Radioman KC said...

I agree with that. Sadly, capitalists aren't interested in Democracy at all. They're interested in making money; they'd probably much rather go back to when only white, male, property owners could vote.

It's interesting to note that all these flagwavers drawing on the Revolutionary patriots, that was the rule of the land when the Constitution was signed, and afterwards for quite a long time.

We were importing slaves for another 75 years! And longer before women could vote.

Anonymous said...

Actually it is a Republic if you can keep it.(not a democracy)There is a difference.

Mo Rage said...

But the fact is, we do seem to be headed at present for an oligarchy, plutocracy or plutarchy, in the worst-case scenario and unless we change course.
