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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bin Laden chutzpah

In a second tape of, by and from one Osama bin Laden this week, he went on urging his Muslim brothers--and countries--to donate, contribute and help Pakistan, what with their flooding and all.  Hmmm.  So here he is, going "hat in hand" to fellow Muslims, chiding them, too, to help victims of Pakistan's horrific flooding.  He pleads with them, apparently, and exhorts them to help, at the same time.  One thing that was great was that he pointed out how "the U.N. chief did more than them to help Pakistan.

'The (U.N.'s) secretary-general came to witness the catastrophe for himself, and yet no Arab leaders came to witness the disaster despite the short distances and claims of brotherhood,' he said."
Chalk one up for the West, huh?  Good for us.  Say, Osama, you know who one of the biggest contributors to the UN is, don't you?  That would be the United States, your professed enemy.  Suck on that for a while.  And while you're at it, don't ask us for any help, okay, palzy?  We'll help the Pakistani people all we can but don't ask us for any assistance, thanks very much.  Not that even you would, I'd hope.  Surely you're that bright.  And not that big a hypocrite.

In the tape, he also accused the media of failing to cover the flooding tragedy effectively or provide "the real picture" of natural disasters in the Muslim world.

Then, get this--he wants to get people to believe in--well, check this out:  He said Journalists should also increase coverage of climate change, he said.  That's rich.  The Republicans, Conservatives, lots of business people and deniers will love that little jewel, eh? 

Speaking of "rich", as in ironic:  International donors have pledged more than $800 million for flood relief in Pakistan, the bulk of it coming from the United States which has donated nearly $350 million.  To repeat--"the bulk of it coming from the United States..."  So how's that whole "the US is our enemy" thing going, Osama, you hypocrite, if not idiot.

Finally this also apparently proves that OBL is still alive, dang it, if we can believe what was released:  The recording was aired along with a still photograph of a smiling bin Laden superimposed over pictures of flood victims.  So darn.  We, again, apparently haven't gotten him yet.  There's always hope.  Have a great weekend, y'all.

Link to original story:

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