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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Roy "The Toy" Blunt, being bought and sold

Roy Blunt, once again selling his soul, in effect, in order to get elected.  This time, it’s to the Tea Party.  Forget what Roy Blunt stands for—forget what he’s done for himself and his family and his rich friends and the corporations that pass him thousands of dollars, repeatedly, in order to get what he and they want.  Forget all that.  Just keep in mind that he’s signing a document to you, for your group’s goals and you say you’ll give him your vote.

I have just one question for this “Tea Party”:  How, exactly, is that going to “clean up Washington”?

Does this not reek of desperation?  Desperation on both their parts--both Roy Blunt and the Tea Party.  Desperate on Roy’s part:  “Oh, I’ll sign anything, anything, as long as you vote for me.”  And the Tea Party because it screams, “Look, old man, you’re the guy with all the money and name familiarity and political party machinery behind you so since you’re going to win anyway, would you do us a favor and sign this document, pretend you care about our goals and in exchange, we’ll give you our votes and support?”

This is no way to get the big money, the corporations, the graft, the lobbyists and the ugly money out of our government, folks, if anyone is listening and cares remotely otherwise.

You don't need to be for Robin Carnahan, but I can't imagine how anyone but corporatists, corporations, their lobbyists and wealthy people would be for Roy "The Toy" Carnahan.

Sad.  Pitiful.  Pathetic.


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