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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Royals and romance all over the internets today

From Yahoo! News this morning:

Marriage proposal takes over MLB stadium

The Kansas City Royals go to new lengths to help an active-duty soldier get his lady.

You can also check out another angle of the proposal over on

At least David Glass has smart marketing people.

He can't run a winning Major League Baseball team but at least these people are smart.

Yahoo! Sports wrote this about it:

Something tells me the Royals waived their usual $500 fee and "no custom proposal" rules for this one.


Personally, I wouldn't be so sure, what with "Mr. Tightwad" running the organization.

That said, it could be worse for us with the Royals:

At least we don't suck that bad.

Now, congratulations and much good luck to the couple, for sure.

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