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Friday, June 24, 2011

People will be flipping out about this

In the news today: Census shows whites lose US majority among babies: From the article: "WASHINGTON – For the first time, more than half of the children under age 2 in the U.S. are minorities, part of a sweeping race change and a growing age divide between mostly white, older Americans and fast-growing younger ethnic populations that could reshape government policies. I can almost hear the racists and rednecks now, can't you? Link to original article:


Anonymous said...

Seriously Mo'Rage, do you think more babies are the answer? Whites are cutting down on births cause they recognize the problems of overpopulation and "diminishing returns." Don't be glib.

Good times.

Mo Rage said...

Seriously, Anonymous, I not only don't think "more babies" is the answer, but I didn't propose any answers or solutions. The census and my column here was just to say this is a matter of fact, that's all. That said, I wasn't even glib. Actually, I don't think "whites are cutting down on births because they recognize the problems of overpopulation and 'diminishing returns'" so much as it has usually always been shown that with more education and money, people have less children.