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Friday, June 24, 2011

Republican leaders are WAY off base on budget negotiations

Once again, Republican leaders right now are far off-base, this time on budget negotiations in Washington. The Democrats say they'll agree to spending cuts but the Repubs say no "tax increases". Holy cow. Here are two examples of "tax increases" they won't allow--the first is that the Dems want to TAKE AWAY TAX SUBSIDIES FOR THE "BIG OIL" COMPANIES. Let me ask again here, why on Earth would we give TAX SUBSIDIES to some of the BIGGEST AND MOST PROFITABLE COMPANIES IN THE COUNTRY?? (Do you sense my frustration here?). That's insane. It's just irresponsible, considering the budget imbalance we have. A second example of what the Repubs won't allow--what they're calling a "tax increase" the Dems are pushing for--is that THEY WANT TO TAKE AWAY TAX DEDUCTIONS FOR TAKING MANUFACTURING OFFSHORE. Are you kidding me? Like that's a bad idea?? Finally, at least here, the Democrats have proposed DOING AWAY WITH THE TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHIEST AMERICANS. The thing is, on this one, even the Republican rank-and-file support this. I think virtually everyone agrees we need to get manufacturing back here in the country. The Democrats need to take this and put it before the American people and show these ideas as the good ones they are and that anyone who opposes them are going against what's good for the country. If necessary, the Republicans need to be hung by their respective petards. Here's hoping. Link:

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