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Monday, June 13, 2011

"Having it both ways" Brownback

Really, I get so tired of people--mostly Republicans--like Sam Brownback and Texas Governor Rick Perry--who bemoan our big State or Federal spending but then, when the money troughs are open, there they are, slopping up the stuff as much and as fast as they can, for as long as they can.  Another very recent example:

By JOHN HANNA, The Associated Press

TOPEKA   |   
Democratic leaders in the Kansas Legislature are frustrated by what they see as Republican Gov. Sam Brownback's attempt to take undeserved credit for big highway projects financed partly through a sales tax increase he previously criticized.
Brownback completed a five-city tour earlier this month to highlight 36 projects that are a part of the 10-year, $8 billion transportation program enacted last year. The projects will cost the state more than $1.8 billion, but Brownback predicted they'll generate thousands of construction jobs while making the highway system safer.
His administration also has launched a website where people can follow the progress of individual projects under the transportation program and see how well the state fulfills a mandate to spend at least $8 million in each of its 105 counties.
The Democratic leaders noted that when Brownback ran for governor last year, he criticized the Democratic nominee, Kansas Sen. Tom Holland of Baldwin City, for voting for the sales tax increase. Brownback had the backing of the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, which had opposed the tax increase, and he called raising tax rates to deal with budget problems "unwise and unsustainable."
Sam Brownback---just one more big, political hypocrite.

He bitches and moans about increased taxes and spending, but then, when the tax has gone through because the people know we need good roads, he goes out and takes credit for the "jobs it creates".  

And sure, it's not unusual for any human being to be hypocritical--any of us.  It's just the really big, glaring instances that turn your stomach, you know?

Just to show we're equal opportunity on this subject, here's another political group of hypocrites:

Sure, it may not be new but we have to point it out, these glaring hypocrisies, now and again (again and again?), in hopes there will be less of it in the future.

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