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Monday, February 28, 2011

On the movie "Up in the Air"

When this movie came out, I thought that, since George Clooney is in it, it must be good.  I was thinking I'd go see it.

I saw it this weekend, finally.

I've come to two conclusions on it,

First, I'm glad I didn't spend any money on it after all, even if it were just the $4.00 matinee' price.

Second, I'm sorry I spent the time this weekend on it, after all.

So you know, I am a big George Clooney fan.  I've enjoyed several of the movies he's been in.  I loved "Ocean's 11", for starters, and "Michael Clayton" was nearly pure enjoyment.  While not a perfect film, it was excellent in my view and I thought this "Up in the Air" might be another great one.

Was I mistaken.

This film is virtually completely unoriginal, uninspired, didactic, preachy and dull.

The only thing remotely creative about it is the shots from the air they gave of each city visited in his travels around the country and even that got old after a while.  "Okay, okay, we get it.  He travels a lot."

And the "moral of the story", the takeaway is so obvious, by the time you get to the end, it's just this huge disappointment.  This is one of those movies that, when you get to the end, you not only want your money back, you want to get the two hours of your life back, too.  It's that much of a waste of time.

Unless you're one of that group of self-absorbed, shallow, selfish people who are so impatient with the rest of humanity that you can only concentrate on other's idiosyncrasies instead of what they have to offer as a human being (and there are far too many of them out there in the world, that's for sure--they should come with warning labels), you're already going to know the jist of this movie.  To tell it here isn't even to spoil anything, it's that obvious and blatant.  Quoting Mr. Clooney's character, Ryan Bingham, "Life's better with company."

Oh, really?  No kidding.

And you were how old when you figured that out?

Seriously, can I get those 2 hours back now, please?

(I write the above to "get even" with the people who wrote and produced this stinker and to hopefully warn you, in case you haven't seen it, so you don't also waste your time.  For real fun and entertainment, read Mr. Cranky's review of the film at the link below).


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