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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Her Tackiness" continues in her same vein

Sarah Palin, ever the person to prove how low class she is, goes off again:

Sarah Palin makes fun of Katie Couric’s post-CBS plans


Make fun of Katie Couric.

If she were to just go by what Katie makes per year she wouldn't have touched this one.  Reportedly, Ms. "In Poor Taste" Palin has made, to date, from her book deals and speaking engagements, I understand, somewhere in the neighborhood of 13 to 20 million dollars.

Heads up, Ms. W. Trash, Katie makes 15 million a year.  And she's done that for the last 5 years.  And in case you never saw her, Ms. P., before that she was on a news show, too, and for that she put away 7 million a year.

But enough about money.

The circle of people Ms. Couric run with have EDGOOKASHUNS and are world travelers and, I'm imagining, the heads of multi-national organizations and non-profits and, hey, these are people who read magazines and books and they can even name them.

Unlike you, Ms. Palin.

So please, do yourself a favor--go climb back under the rock from which you came.

Or at least have the good sense to be quiet.

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