If you've not seen it before, by all means, do.
What a life. What a guy. What revelations. What observations.
The guy was brilliant, at leat.
A couple of the things I appreciate most of him and his life--what I know of them, anyway--is his appreciation of nature, of course, but also his tying any Creator--God, if you must--to nature and this beautiful world we have.
Again, wow.
I love that he took it--the natural world--as God's "church".
If there's a God, I could most easily and quickly easily see him/her there, in nature, before anything else.
It's too bad we've gotten so far from it all.
So few of us know of the sunrises. And sunsets. And truly fresh air. And smell of skunk or whatever.
We're too plugged in.
And disconnected.
If you can see this special--one of the "American Experience" series--do. I think you'll enjoy it greatly.
To close, a few John Muir quotes:
"The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness."
"The gross heathenism of civilization has generally destroyed nature, and poetry, and all that is spiritual."
"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe."
Links: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/1900/peopleevents/pande14.html
I watched this on my Ipad this evening. I can very much relate to this man's God. I really don't say much about my religious beliefs on my blog because there are people who would figure I'm nuts (or going to hell). I do firmly believe in God and in His son, Jesus. However, I don't necessarily believe God is as exclusive as His people think He is.
But that's just me.
As I've said before, if he/she really loves ut--and if he/she exists, I figure he/she does (love us)--he/she also knows how weak we are. After all, they created us, right? Imperfect and all? It seems absurd to believe or think he/she wouldn't take us "up" wherever they are.
That is, if they're there.
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