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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Think you're having a bad day?

If, sometime within the next 2 to 4 months, you ever think you're having a bad day, stop yourself. Stop yourself and think of the 33 poor--literally poor--Chilean coal miners trapped underground right now--this their 26th day in the dark, away from their family and friends. Away, actually, from everything we know and take for granted. Tear your shirt? Have a flat tire? Heck, even get fired? Deal with it. "The miners call it Hell. The only thing missing is the fire and brimstone. Half-a-mile underground in northern Chile, 33 men are trapped in a cramped shelter where the temperature is a constant 85 degrees." They're down there now and they will be for weeks. In the dark. Without food. Without water. Without beds or showers or a change of clothing. Or sunlight. Or family. Or friends. Somehow it makes things seem much more possible, doesn't it? Link:

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