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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Politics in America: What works, what doesn't, and what we have to do

America no longer has a political system. In its place is a vaudeville of celebrity politics, bait-and-switch politics, spin politics. As citizens, we are lax and self-absorbed; our leaders prefer to keep things this way. --Michael Brenner, Senior Fellow, The Center for Transatlantic Relations. Proof positive, from recent headlines: Ousted GOP Congressman Bob Inglis: I Refused To Call Obama 'A Socialist' And I Lost And then this beauty: Colorado Senate, Governor's Races Have Become a Political Three-Ring Circus And I have news for you, folks--the only way it's going to change is if we all get up off our collective butts and demand good things for our country. Oh, and we have to work together, as Americans, and not just shout at each other, to get this done. Here's hoping. Link to original posts:

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