Yes, Kansas and their Governor Sam "The Slasher" Brownback are getting big, big coverage on his antics out of Topeka, cutting taxes on the wealthy and corporations while increasing them on the middle- and lower-classes:
It has started to draw some notice that Kansas Governor Sam Brownback is using the people of his state as lab rats in an ongoing bench test of a whole bunch of ideas that already have died in flaming failure at the national level, but which Brownback believes are his ticket back to the Show.
Well, Sam may be busy shredding the safety net, and balancing the budget on the backs of the poor, and inviting corporations to come to Kansas and leave nothing behind but the bones, but when it comes to public money, it turns out that, when it comes to the public purse, Sam may be something of a whited sepulcher.
It tells of documents lately released on the Governor and his plans for Kansas. Their conclusion:
...the poorest 20 percent of Kansans get a tax hike, and a bunch of office assistants at the state capitol get fired, but the sous-chef's job is safe at the governor's mansion. Lovely.
This is unlikely to stop Brownback's drive to turn Kansas into one big maquiladora, but it's the kind of story for which that local TV news was invented. It's the equivalent of an incurable skin rash on state-level politicians. Did St. Anselm ever say anything about feathering your own nest?
Read more: This Is The Matter With Kansas - Esquire
While scathing, at least for the Guv, it's a great read.
Read the rest here: This Is The Matter With Kansas - Esquire
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