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Tuesday, January 8, 2013
It's the jobs, stupid
"What always interests me about the Sunday talk shows is the big topic they don't cover, the unmentionable large issue of the week. This time it was the nation's continuing job crisis, as reported last Friday by the BLS. Instead, the discussion was all about the fiscal cliff and upcoming debt ceiling -- in other words, the deficit. Yet the deficit isn't the crisis. It's actually dropping as a percentage of the economy. And America can now borrow at the lowest rates in memory. Our crisis is jobs -- and also our crumbling infrastructure and our schools in which 30 or more kids are crowded into classrooms. America should be borrowing more now to put more people to work rebuilding our infrastructure and hiring more teachers and teachers' aides. That we are obsessing about the deficit instead shows how much of the public agenda has been captured by the deficit hawks and shrink-the-government goons."
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