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Friday, May 11, 2012

That "hopey-changey thing" is going okay, thanks

In answer to former Alaska Governor, Sarah "The Quitter" Palin's question, "How's that hopey-changey thing goin' for ya'?", I'd like to answer that there is yet one more good indication that it's going pretty well, thank you. And no, it's not him standing up for all American's equality this week. Instead, it's this from The Star and the AP today:

U.S. collected more than it spent in April

WASHINGTON -- For the first time in nearly four years, the U.S. government last month took in more money than it spent.
The surplus for April was a sign that the economy is trudging back to health.

And I'll say the same thing here I say any time I point out an improvement, rather like the President or someone in the administration would--is it where we want to be? Is it where we need to be? Are we finished? Is this good enough? All those answers are no, for sure.

Is there more work that has to be done?

You bet there is.

One thing Congress could and should do to help the nation is to do away with tax deductions and subsidies to companies for offshoring competition, again, as I've said repeatedly. That would, I believe, help bring some of those manufacturing jobs--and maybe some companies--back to the States. That seems like and obvious and terrific, simple idea. It's not happening but it could and again, should. Maybe if we push our Senators and Representatives enough, it will happen.

Anyway, at least there's some good news today.

Let's hope it continues, for all of us.


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