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Friday, May 18, 2012

President Obama coming to Missouri

President Obama, it has been announced, is coming to Joplin this Monday, to

Obama to visit victims of Joplin, Mo., tornado

"President Obama will visit Missouri on Sunday to meet with victims of the storm that devastated the town of Joplin, Mo., two days ago and to hear about the disaster response from emergency officials."

It's a smart move, too. This way he looks presidential and can hopefully get on the good side of "average Americans" in that whole area. In that area of the state, he might get some good feeling from Kansas and Oklahoma, which, of course, are nearby.

Note the quote: "He said that while in Missouri, he is hoping 'to pray with folks and give them whatever assurance and comfort I can that the entire country is going to be behind them.'”

That is one shrewd, likely transparent statement.


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