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Friday, May 11, 2012

Say what you will, these 2 presidential contenders nearly couldn't be more different

How is that for not only irony but really odd, contrasting seredipity?

One day, President Obama has an interview with ABC News for their "Good Morning America" program and he comes out for equality for all Americans.

Naturally, a lot of us did a bit of a happy dance. Heck, I think people still are.

At nearly the same time, the same week, anyway, an article comes out in The Washington Post, showing that the other, presumed presidential candidate from the Republican Party bullied kids when he was in his very-privileged, prep school youth. It's been said Mr. Romney even helped hold another student down so others could shave his head.

The fellow-student's transgession?

He was gay or thought/assumed to be gay.

That's some equality, huh?

What a contrast.

One candidate comes out squarely for equality for all and is from a middle-class, mixed-race household who worked his way up through school and work.

The other student is white, born to wealth and privilege, bullied other students as a teen, apparently, and is from, now, even bigger wealth and is for the wealthy and their lot.

Sure, at least some of that is my spin on these two candidates but there's a great deal of truth to all of it.

With most Americans being middle- and lower-class citizens, you wouldn't think it would be a contest, would you?

Now, if only the corporations and wealthy couldn't pour untold wealth into the race.


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