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Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Royals: This moment in time

What can you say?

It's Saturday night. (Sort of. It's late Saturday. Actually, it's Sunday morning but forget that).

It was Cinco de Mayo Saturday. (Forget about going down Southwest Boulevard. Yikes. That was crazy).

It's a huge and very full moon.

So beautiful.

And what happens?

Our own Kansas City Royals Major League Baseball Team beat the illustrious New York Yankees---AGAIN.

5 to 1.

We're two of 3 games on them.

Sure, we have to play them one more time tomorrow afternoon but right now we're two up out of three games for having beat them.


That's a stunner.

What a gift.

So, tomorrow?

If I had to bet, I'd say we're going down.

But hope?

Sure, I hope we win.

It seems doable all of a sudden.

We've won 6 of our last 9 games.

And we beat the Yankees.


Maybe--hopefully--we can do it again tomorrow.

Here's hoping, ya'll.


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