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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

For baby Lisa Irwin's birthday...

I should think the things little baby Lisa Irwin's parents could and should do for her 1st birthday, coming up November 11th, would be to, first, allow her half-brothers to be interviewed by police and then, secondly, but more importantly, allow for interviews of each parent, separately, as the police have asked all along, because, after all, they're completely, totally innocent, as they've said from the start. Right? Link:


Anonymous said...

I don't understand why they get to decide who the police are 'allowed' to interview. Why are they allowed to get away with obstructing justice?

Anonymous said...

i totaly agree... innocent... right?

Mo Rage said...

Great point, Byron.

I assume the police and DA don't pursue this with a warrant or some legal tool and require this to happen because they don't want to have it look bad, as though they're being tough on the parents but who knows? If that's not it, I don't know why they don't go forward with it.

Mo Rage said...

Innocent, not innocent, I thought this should be about getting information and answers.

For two innocent people, it surely doesn't look good.

But I repeat myself.

Anonymous said...

They probably realize what the national media outlets are up to and do not wish to waste their funds handling the hysteria and lynch mobs that are often associated with these cases that hit Nancy Grace's Show and the other ones, too, and all the experts these corpses have to feed just to get them to air what everyone already has a clue about-you need evidence;chitchat won't cut it.

Mo Rage said...

Your point fails me. Any interviews with the police would be behind closed doors. And what "funds" would they be wasting then how would they be wasting them?