In response to SOJOCO's claim of how bright Michelle Malkin is. This is purely to give two sides to the coin, so to speak. (To be clear, I don't wish to get into a "pissing match", to use a crude euphimism, with SOJOCO or anyone else. As I said, I just want to give a 2nd side to a stand here).
See links--and proof--below:
Ms. Malkin, hoping--like Rush "Porkulus" Limbaugh--that the President fails:
Ms. Malkin, for instance, wasn't invited to sit in on Sen. John McCain's conference calls, while he was running for President last year:
Ms. Malkin called Michelle Obama, during the campaign "First Crony":
Alex Koppelman describes Ms. Malkin's White Supremacist ties in detail:
On Right-wing Conservative Bill Kristol calling Ms. Malkin a fascist:
On Ms. Malkin claiming people would rather claim unemployment than work:
On Ms. Malkin being photographed with a man and his Obama/Swastika sign:
Ms. Malkin, in her own words--via video--on why President Obama was trying to have the Olympics in Chicago:
Now, admittedly, this is just dog-piling but here goes:
It's just too easy, folks. She opens her mouth and out it comes.
Oh, and finally, I think Nicholas Kristof is the smart one here, hands down.
Again, have a great weekend.
Get Well, Matt Pinfield
1 hour ago
I find this whole thing very tediuos so I only followed your first link.
The quoted material shows the Malkin hopes two specific policies of the administration fail. I think that's different from hoping "the President fails" (whatever that means).
As for not being invited to sit in on McCain's conference, what bearing does that have on her "brightness" (or lack thereof)?
sure, I agree--it would be tedious to check out each one. I'll respond to your question.
It shows how necessary, how vital Ms. Malkin was to the most important goal/job of the Republicans, their Party and the Conservatives, that they wouldn't let her in on these conference calls, that's all.
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