The shooting yesterday, now well-covered by the press in town, of two men who shot each other seems to be a good example of why the Kansas City area has a high murder rate.
Fortunately, only one died.
Fortunately, apparently, the one who did die was trying to rob the other.
And get this, "It appears the victim and suspect knew each other...".
I guess that shouldn't be a huge surprise but if you're trying to rob someone (trying to rob someone?), wouldn't you think you'd try to rob someone you didn't know, so you didn't have to either a) be concerned they'd turn you in or b) then be certain you HAVE to kill them?
This is some crazy logic, if you can call it that.
This has to stop. The shootings and killings have to stop.
We have to work together, as a community, to stop the shootings and killings. I don't know how but we have to do this.
Get Well, Matt Pinfield
1 hour ago
Based on the link, the victim is the one that did the shooting, not the robber. Considerable difference, and doesn't count towards the murder rate.
no, what I read said the guy who died was the robber. we can only hope.
Sorry--I meant that the robbery victim was the shooter, and the robber the one that got shot. I guess that is what you said originally, but you went on in a way that sounded like the robber was also the shooter. I don't consider someone who gets shot while robbing or assaulting another a victim--they brought the situation on by their own actions. If this happened the way the story said it did, I do feel sorry for the robbery victim--I know that I would hate to be put in a situation where shooting someone was the best option I could find at the time.
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