Good news for the US.
To me, anyway, and, I think to anyone concerned nothing was going to be done after the collosal near-collapse of our economy in the last year.
"The House approved a Democratic plan on Friday to tighten federal regulation of Wall Street and banks, advancing a far-reaching Congressional response to the financial crisis that rocked the economy."
The good news is first, that they did something--they recognized that we need to protect consumers from fraud and abuse in our financial markets--then, second, that they instituted some protections. They went through with some regulation.
That's hard to do lately, in this country.
If there's bad news, it's that they felt they had to create a new agency to do it.
Why couldn't some division of the Commerce Department or some other, already-existing agency do this? That would have been far more preferable.
More agencies. More budgets. More spending.
But my favorite part of all this is the following--check this out from "The Party of No":
"But it's worth noting that just one year after Wall Street recklessness pushed the global economy to the brink of wholesale collapse, exactly zero House Republicans voted for watered-down safeguards, deeming them too onerous. Indeed, their unanimous opposition to Wall Street accountability came just a few days after the House Republican leadership huddled with more than 100 lobbyists to rally opposition to preventing Wall Street irresponsibility."
If this batch of Republicans didn't hurt our country so much, I'd love them for the humor derived from their hypocrisy.
Anyway, better this than having done nothing, by a long shot. That last tumble our markets and country took were far too dangerous.
And stupid.
Get Well, Matt Pinfield
1 hour ago
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