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Monday, April 29, 2013

Join the rally! Help get the big, ugly money out of our election system and government

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127 Years ago, on May 10, 1886, corporations began to finagle constitutional rights through the US Supreme Court. THAT was just the beginning.

This year, on the 127th "birthday" of corporate persons, Kansas City Move to Amend will join activists all over the nation with a rally at the Nichols Fountain.

RALLY at 4:30pm; MARCH on the Country Club Plaza at 5:30 pm.


When the Supreme Court decided for corporations in the Citizens United v. FEC case, it elevated knowledge of the doctrine of "corporate personhood" to new heights. Hundreds of thousands of people now know what those words mean.

 But as awful as Citizens United is, corporate personhood wasn't created with that case. Corporate Personhood was concocted by corporate lawyers 127 years ago.

 On May 10, 1886 in the Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific Railroad case, the Court is said to have given corporations their first foot-hold in the US Constitution.

 In the case, corporations argued they are protected under the 14th Amendment — the amendment passed to ensure equal protection of African Americans after slavery was abolished. Since then, there has been case after case in which the Court expanded the Constitutional "rights" of corporations.

We'll Rally at 47th Street & JC Nichols Parkway (at the "horse fountain) starting at 4:30pm. Then we'll march on sidewalks through the Plaza at 5:30pm.

 For more information: 816-885-9996 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 816-885-9996 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

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