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Friday, May 4, 2012

Kansas Legislators, Catholics, everyone should be screaming about the Chinse dissident

It seems anyone and everyone who has said in the past they have some issue with abortions should be speaking up at least, if not screaming bloody murder about this blind attorney Chinese dissident, Chen Guangcheng and his situation.

Here's a private citizen in China who goes up against every authority there in an effort to protest forced abortions in that country.

How much more noble can a person be? What more worthy position could a person take?

And to date, I haven't heard one word from any Catholic organization--the Vatican or any other--or any Kansas legislator--or from any other state--saying we need to support and work with this man and his family.

Sure, they can and do fight to deny women's reproductive rights in this nation but beyond their own back yard?

Not a word.

If there is a person in the world right now who needs people's support and attention, surely Mr. Guangcheng is that person.

Here's a man who not only educated himself to be an attorney but who also decided it too important not to fight his nation's government single-handedly to stop forced abortions by that same government.

Now is the time and this should be the case to speak up, offering both support for this man and his work and any help they can give in any and every form.


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