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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Facebook's continued weird evolution

Facebook is getting spookier and spookier. 

I typed in an note to a friend about John Turturro, the actor/director, earlier today and immediately a note came up for a John Turturro "like" page.

And then "The Big Lebowski".


Then, upon doing a Google search for Facebook, up comes this today:

Facebook Red-Faced as Clumsy Google Smear Campaign Is Discovered

Facebook execs must be red-faced with embarrassment.
The social-networking giant Facebook has been caught red-handed in a secret smear campaign against industry rival Google, has confirmed.
According to a report from The Daily Beast Wednesday night, Facebook hired leading public-relations firm Burson-Marsteller to “pitch anti-Google stories to newspapers, urging them to investigate claims that Google was invading people’s privacy.” 

USA Today described the scandal as an undercover “whisper campaign” against the search giant, one leaving Silicon Valley insiders wondering who was playing dirty. Initial fingers pointed at perennial competitors and long-time industry behemoths Microsoft and Apple. Turns out it was the new kid on block instead -- Facebook.

When questioned early Thursday morning about these stunning allegations, Burson-Marsteller quickly backpedaled emphasizing that these kinds of campaigns go against its corporate code.

It seems the more we see of Mark Zuckerberg and his and his company's tactics, the more it looks as though his detractors may be correct in their disparaging descriptions of what he's capable of.

If it isn't true, he needs to start making it clear otherwise.

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