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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This administration looks like the last here

Freedom of the press being a hallmark of our nation, this kind of treatment should be inexcusable and not allowed:

By Hillary Chabot
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news “fairly.”

This shouldn't be tolerated any longer by the American public, certainly, absolutely and finally.  We saw this kind of treatment from the last administration and we all thought poorly of it.  

We voted this president in, wanting and expecting better in virtually all ways.  This is one of the most important ways in which we expect this president and administration to take a far higher road.

Since President Obama is in the midst of his re-election bid, he shouldn't do this anyway, but granting favor or disfavor to the press by what they write should never be allowed or tolerated again.

It's censorship of some of the worst kind.

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