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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What I've said all along

Honestly, I knew they'd come to this conclusion, eventually:

The scientists, anyway, not the companies involved with making them or making them available.

Some of the article:

LONDON – An international panel of experts says cellphones are possibly carcinogenic to humans after reviewing details from dozens of published studies.
The statement was issued in Lyon, France, on Tuesday by the International Agency for Research on Cancer after a weeklong meeting of experts. They reviewed possible links between cancer and the type of electromagnetic radiation found in cellphones, microwaves and radar.
The agency is the cancer arm of the World Health Organization and the assessment now goes to WHO and national health agencies for possible guidance on cellphone use.

And here's the good part.  Just how cancerous is it, you ask?  Check this out:

The group classified cellphones in category 2B, meaning they are possibly carcinogenic to humans. Other substances in that category include the pesticide DDT and gasoline engine exhaust.

DDT.  And gasoline exhaust.


More:  Since many cancerous tumors take decades to develop, experts say it's impossible to conclude cellphones have no long-term health risks.

The cell phone industry telling us that they don't cause any cancer problems seemed far too quick and predictable.

It reminds me of the old Joe Jackson song:

Except in this case, I think it really does.


GOPnot4me said...

they specifically mentioned an unusual instance of glioma. seen two up close. not good at all.

ringer37 said...

There seems to be a lot of "maybes" and "perhaps" and "a possiblity"s surrounding this idea of cellphones causing cancers. I don't know...I'd like to have some more concrete evidence linking cellphones to cancer, but...I also really don't want to get cancer, lol. I'll probably just stick to using the headset, instead of holding the thing to my ear, makes me feel better.

-Zach @ the Turbulence Training blog

Mo Rage said...

There's bound to be lots of "maybes" and "perhaps" because, as the article said, "cancerous tumors take decades to develop."

It's just good to be aware, I think.

We'll see how it all shakes out eventually, of course.

For me, I get a headache when I put my cell phone up to my head, no kidding. It makes me a bit anxious about it.