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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why we're "alienated" and "pessimistic"?

I saw this headline today, online:

Who, exactly, but the wealthy needs to read this article?

Who doesn't know why we're "alienated" and "pessimistic"?

So for grins, I thought I'd see what I can come up with, before reading the article:

--wages are stagnant, at least, if not shrinking;

--big companies are getting multi-billion dollar bailouts but no one's doing anything for us;

--the wealthy got big tax cuts so they can have yet more money in the last administration;

--that same policy has been continued in THIS administration;

--lots of white people are fearful of Hispanics (for not legitimate reasons but hey, the article is why we're alienated and pessimistic;

--the economic turmoil of the last 3 years is hurting the Middle- and Lower-classes hardest, without doubt;

--jobs are going overseas, both manufacturing and service (phone banks, etc.);

--Congress is doing virtually nothing of any importance about those same jobs going overseas in spite of the fact that we'd like them to take away tax credits for companies to take those jobs overseas that, by the way, THEY created;

--we'd like to get the money from corporations, the wealthy and their lobbyists out of Congress (but aren't smart enough to be for campaign finance reform);

--our health care system truly does not work--it's for the wealthy and the employed who can afford it and most can't;

--Congress takes care of itself nicely and first but gives us lip service;

--the price of gasoline is eating up our paychecks while "Big Oil" gets to keep their tax subsidies (WTH);

--state budgets are being cut due to budget deficits so jobs are also being cut;

--with the state budgets being cut, services to us are also being cut;

--our taxes stay the same or go up;

--the Federal Government is spending more money than it has ever spent and it doesn't seem as though anything good is coming from it;

--finally, at least here, we feel as though our country has, at last, turned a big, ugly corner and that we're going downhill financially.  Sadly, it seems as though we are correct.

And that's just off the top of my head.  The list can--and should--go on and on, if it's to be complete.

It all ends up with us feeling as though nothing good is coming for us and the country is falling down.

We also think we're right on this, as I said.


John McAndrew said...

I love this juxtaposition in the article:

"They are also, polls consistently tell us, the most pessimistic and alienated group in American society.

"(PICTURES: Meet the GOP's 2012 Presidential Hopefuls)"

Mo Rage said...

Yeah, do you suppose there's any connection??