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Monday, April 16, 2012

"Beyond Outrage"

"We are engaged in a war of ideas. But if it were just ideas, based on reason and reality, we'd win hands down. The regressive right is armed with money from the richest people and corporations in America, and it has no compunction about telling big lies repeatedly until the public starts to believe them. The regressives on the Supreme Court have aided and abetted by calling money speech and corporations people under the First Amendment. But the regressives' biggest weapon by far is cynicism. Don't fall prey." --Robert Reich, economist, writer, etc. On Tuesday, Robert Reich's new book "Beyond Outrage" will be available. In it, he offers specifics about their lies and distortions, and about what we must do -- as individuals and together -- to take back our economy and reclaim our democracy. Please get and read the book, if you would and spread the word.

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