The Star on Sunday printed a front page article about a doctor locally who had been reprimanded many times about possible bad health care practices and may even have been responsible for patients dying but the hospitals he worked for and other health care givers around him didn't warn antyone. It's a great article, serves terrific purposes and is, as I said here in the past and above, why we need good reporters, journalists and newspapers. Yet, with newspapers dying, no good online source, at least locally, has yet stepped in to fill these huge and important shoes. I'm comfortable with newspapers dying if for no other reasons than that they are on paper and fell far too many trees and then must be distributed by truck and so, burning oil which keeps us addicted to the Middle East but some online site needs to, one day very soon, fill in this important role and that of reporting on local government and public agencies and institutions, etc. Until that happens, we are all weakened, mightily as a community. We know less so we're far less likely to have control of our lives. Here's hoping it happens soon and we get a local online media site with good reporters and journalists. Maybe that's the Star's online site but it doesn't seem that that's filling the need yet.
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