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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mr. West wants back in?

The Star reported the other day that, lo and behold--no surprise--"Mr. Three Names" Airick Leonard West wants back in on the Kansas City Missouri School District's School Board. Sure. No surprise. But could we make sure nothing--absolutely nothing--inappropriate, at least, if not out-and-out illegal was done on, with or about any--ANY--purchasing contracts in the District with Mr. West before this is even considered? It seemed to have some "legs", so to speak, at the beginning of the Dr. Covington brouhaha. If there's nothing to it, great, all for the good. If there is--heaven forbid--could we get to the bottom of it and see if any charges need to be filed and pursued? No school district needs to be "cleaner" than this one and it would be nice if it began now, if it hasn't already. Besides, if Mr. West hasn't done anything inappropriate, he would surely want all to know it. Link to original story:


Anonymous said...

gosh i'm surprised you found it on the star's website HURR CAN'T SPELL CAN'T THINK

Mo Rage said...

clearly I pissed off someone--or a few someones--down at the Star.

Google can give me what I want out of the entire universe on this same search, first time, but the Star can't do it FOR THEIR OWN COLUMNIST and someone thinks I haven't got a point.
