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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

President Obama, giving in AGAIN?

Man, I hope this isn't true but it's being reported that President Obama's jobs plan he's going to introduce Thursday night has been leaked. It's over at Daily Kos: "Our local paper here, the Oregonion, is reporting some highlights of President Obama's "bold" new plan to create jobs to reinvigorate the economy as well as his own re-election campaign, according to anonymous administration officials. According to the administration officials, the President deliberated with his key advisers and fundraisers before settling on a plan. After extensive negotiations between his cabinet members, the President agreed to accept some bipartisan proposals like a repatriation tax holiday for corporations, a stealth-bailout for major banks, a payroll tax cut, and a drastic cut in regulations. All are supported by a majority of corporate lobbyists & campaign donors who insist that this will help rebuild "business confidence", which will eventually lead to more jobs." As I said, I hope this isn't true. Look at that short list, above. A "repatriation tax holiday for corporations", if you'll look it up, is just another tax giveaway for and to corporations and will lead to no new jobs. Another "bailout for major banks"? Are you freaking kidding me? A "payroll tax cut" is tax relief, sure, and probably for the middle class and that's good but it absolutely won't create jobs. Finally, a "drastic cut in regulations." Right. So, what? They can pollute more? And that will create jobs how? Dear God, I hope this isn't true. And, worse case scenario, if it is true, I hope there's other, good stuff in his plan. Here's hoping. Closing note: I think the post may be only humor as the link to the Oregonian is to The Onion, instead. Link to original story:

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