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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


There are 2 shows I wish KCPT would create as a possible fund raiser for them and maybe even for the Nelson-Atkins Museum. They would be great for the city and the people interested in our history. The story of the Nelson-Atkins is one largely unknown to most Kansas Citians, both the long-time residents and the newcomers. It's a rich, wonderful story that becomes international quickly, when the associates left in the 30's, shortly after the museum was formed, to gain pieces for the gallery, as far as China. I've written about this before. The other story that would be a good one is that of Hare and Hare (later Ochsner, Hare and Hare) Landscape Architects and their work on everything in the city from Forest Hill Cemetery to the Country Club District to the Liberty Memorial, KU's and KSU's respective "master plans", Dealey Plaza in Dallas, the Harry S. Truman Library, Swope Park, the Nelson-Atkins Museum (again), Mission Hills and Loose Park, at minimum. These would be two fantastic stories lots of people in town would love to know. The Nelson could use it to boost both interest and, possibly, if done correctly, funds and donations. It would be fantastic for KCPT, to gain viewership and, again, possible donations. I see these two rich stories as nothing but a gain for KCPT, the Nelson Gallery, Kansas City and Kansas Citians. Here's hoping they happen and the sooner, the better. Links:,,


Hyperblogal said...

It would be a lot better than the Dead Singer telethon.

Mo Rage said...

That we get again and again and again...

Not that we're complaining, right?

But really, you make a great point. Who thought THAT would be a good idea, anyway? Clearly that was a creation of desperation.