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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Americans: we don't put our country first

One of many things that's wrong with America is, as suggested above, that we don't put the country first.

We don't pull together to work out our problems.

We aren't Americans first, any longer, and we haven't been for some time.

It's all "Left" or "Right" or Conservative or Liberal or Libertarian or Tea Party member or some thing else, first.   THAT becomes more important.

Further proof, today:

WASHINGTON – A top Republican senator in the bipartisan "Gang of Six" seeking agreement on a plan to cut the deficit by $4 trillion over the next decade dropped out of the group on Tuesday, saying that his colleagues weren't willing to cut enough from benefit programs like Medicare.
Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma said he doesn't see how the group can reach agreement and that he would stop participating in its discussions.
I think we all agree we spend too much, as a nation, and that we need to reduce that spending.  It seems a given.
So the nation calls on you to be part of a small group of 6 people to make suggestions to and for the government for just that, so that we cut that spending and what do you do?
You quit.
Thanks, Senator Coburn.  From the rest of America, thanks for putting either yourself or your political party first.
That will get us nowhere but thanks very much.

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