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Monday, March 9, 2009

We still need International Women's Day--and badly

We had women's rights battles in the 60's and 70's, remember?

They were all over the news.

It was huge, at the time.


You wouldn't think we would still need International Women's Day that badly, now, in 2009, would you?

But, oh yeah, we surely do.

There are enough reasons and needs for it even here, in the United States, still, if for no other goal than just sheer equality.

How about equal pay for equal work?

Wouldn't you think that's a "no-brainer"?

It ain't.

It's not a given in the United States.

It's still being fought through Congress.

More tragically and importantly, there are places like Afghanistan where schools for girls have been destroyed because what passes for government--in this case, the Taliban--thinks women shouldn't be educated.

This takes "barefoot and pregnant" to a whole new, really ugly and ignorant level.

Then there's the whole male-dominated religious world out there, that makes women second class citizens, at best.

And I'm including the Catholic Church in that group, along with Islam, Muslim and virtually all other Fundamentalist religions of the world, including Southern Baptist.

So yeah, we still need an International Women's Day, now, in 2009. at this late date and we need it badly.

We need a well-advertised Women's International Month, for pity's sake.


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