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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Again and again and again

So a few days ago some gun-nut nutjob goes into a nursing home in North Carolina and starts shooting away, killing 8 people.


Some more.

Can you imagine what a nightmare that was?

Earlier today, a woman was told their McDonald's wasn't serving breakfast yet in Salt Lake City so one of two men got in the trunk for a sawed-off shotgun and gave the window a blast or two.

Now, in spite of more of this kind of evidence, some right-wing Republican nutjob down in Texas, one Representative Joe Driver wants to pass a law allowing guns on Texas campuses.


We'll never learn.

Ironically, if you'll remember, it was in Texas at the University of Texas in 1966 that a guy went to the top of the University Tower to shoot and kill 16 people and wound dozens more.

But lets have guns on campuses.

Like more guns will solve anything.

Link to original stories here:

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