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Sunday, October 1, 2017

The Trump and Republican Party Tax Plan and Promises?

Remember, just recently, very recently, when this President Trump and his Republican Party pals were making promises about their tax overhaul plans and what it would do for America, for you and me? Remember that?  I surely do.

Trump Promises A Tax Cut 

For The Middle Class

Trump plan promises huge tax cuts

First there was all that. Then reality hit. The actual plan started to take shape and be released. We knew this was going to happen, didn't we? Really?

Promise the moon, deliver tax cuts 

for the wealthy

Then this hit.

Okay, now fast forward to this week, just 3 days ago. Now they're coming clean on it, after all.

Cohn 'Can't Guarantee Anything' 

On Potential Middle Class Tax Hike

Trump adviser 'can't guarantee' taxes 

won't go up for middle class

So it went from promising the sun, moon and stars in benefits to the middle class to "well, we'll give tax cuts to the already-wealthy and corporations" to "we can't promise all in the middle class will get a tax cut" to, finally, "We can't say the middle class won't get a tax HIKE."

Screw you, America.

I say again, anyone but the wealthy--and stupid--who voted Republican again last year, in November, and for this greedy, self-indulgent, narcissist, petulant, emotional Trump should get schooling.

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