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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Even Jolie Justus Gets In On the Lies About a New Airport

On our local NPR station today, the national program "Here and Now" reported from out of this station and our city. It was great to hear.

On it, even our own local representative and councilwoman, Jolie Justus was on it, who I usually always like to hear and, up to now, always support and agree with.

For this first time in disagreement, however, she came down squarely for this billion dollar boondoggle of a new, single terminal airport.

Not a surprise but a disappointment, nonetheless.

One of the things she said is that our huge Cerner Company, with all that business and all those employees, is a huge, one of the biggest, users of the airport and that, if we don't update it, we run the risk of that company leaving.

To which I say

What utter nonsense.

Who of us has trouble leaving our city byt the current airport, with its configuration?  Just who, exactly?

I've never heard of anyone having that issue, Cerner employee or no.

Then, she claimed that, with all the architects in town, and she said we have a lot, per capita, they might have difficulty getting a flight and getting out of town, too. She went as far as to suggest they might have to take as long as two days to get out of town if we don't update the airport.

What undisguised, ridiculous, ludicrous assertions.

I point out again, our current airport, even as poorly managed as it is by our Airport Authority, we still, month over month and year over year, both, have nothing but increased in the numbers of people flying out of our airport, KCI, MCI.

That doesn't sound like too horrible or difficult a situation or airport, does it to you?

Side note: Do keep in mind that the law firm she works for, Shook, Hardy and Bacon, had for a client Burns & McDonnell, who had been fighting for the work at the airport, too. It was found that, legally, in a courtroom, that Ms. Justus had no conflict of interest but but the relationship is there, like it or not, see link below.

Anyway, the lies about the airport and getting a new one, continue, virtually unabated, sadly.



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