I've said this before and each time it comes up in its most ugly way, I'll point it out again. It is nearly inconceivable what passes for news on the local, evening news. This is just one more pathetic example.
If it isn't this kind of pointless, "infotainment", it's some YouTube clip from some far-flung part of the world about some other ridiculous, meaningless tripe.
I would think these people--all of them at the local "news" stations--would be embarrassed.
Additional side question: What is it about local news talent that is supposed to now hold iPads while reading the news, anyway? Is that supposed to make them look more important or up-to-date or both, or what?
Link: http://fox4kc.com/2012/08/13/picture-of-dog-and-his-owner-gains-international-attention/
You need a "Like" button for your comments. That's the kind of reason I don't watch local news here. Who's got the best brownies/burger/cupcakes, and animal stories.
Obviously, I agree. The evening news is just vapid on all the local stations. Other than any need or desire to see the weather forecast, it's otherwise utterly unnecessary.
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