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Friday, August 24, 2012

Yahoo! on the Royals!!!

Finally, someone publicly and in a big way has said what I said months ago about our Kansas City Royals! (and I hate exclamation points).

That is, David Glass, as owner of the Kansas City Royals, should go. If it happens, it won't happen easily or quickly but Mr. Glass--I'll say it again, here, now--just wants to suck profits, money, out of the team and doesn't care about winning, doesn't care about getting in the penant race and absolutely doesn't care about getting in the World Series.

From The Kansas City Star, rather famously (or infamously, now, if you're David Glass), yesterday, attorney Joe Accurso and his friends got together and took out an ad in the paper, calling for David Glass to either go for a win in Major League Baseball or sell the team--to another, local, Kansas City owner.

Good for them. Good for us.

Maybe, maybe, we can finally have a bigger, broader conversation about this.

Maybe we can either get a team that's sincerely interested in getting in a winning column for the Royals and then a penant race and, one day, hopefully very soon, into the World Series, at least.

Thank you, Joe Accurso, your friends and all.

Let the conversation begin.

And please, Mr. Glass, don't go away mad.

Either give us a true, winning team or just go away.


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