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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Watch "Big Oil's" profits in 3rd Quarter 2012

Monday, I noticed I was apparently one of the last people in the area to pay "only" $3.59 per gallon for gasoline for my car. I noticed the signage at the Quik Trip I pulled into had already been changed to $3.72 per gallon. I was paying that lower $3.59 rate per gallon.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I noticed it had gotten all the way up to $3.79 per gallon in the area--a 20 cent jump in two days.

The reason, I noted?

There had been a huge explosion at an oil refinery in Venezuela and Hurricane Isaac was rather notoriously making its way into the Gulf of Mexico, where so many oil rigs are, and on into New Orleans and Louisiana.

The fact is, on this, the oil companies shot their price up immediately, even though their costs for that oil and gasoline hadn't changed an iota. Not one bit.

So watch, folks. Watch the reports in October when the reports of "Big Oil's" profits come out. See what Exxon-Mobil and all the oil companies made at this time while you and I pay so much more at the pump.

I feel sure we're going to see some huge, huge profits from them.

And it all comes right out of our pockets, as we know.

Ever feel like a chump?


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