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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First Pakistan and now Afghanistan (with thanks and a hat tip to Radioman)

Remember that CIA agent--I mean American diplomat--who shot and killed two Pakistani civilians that upset the Pakistanis so much?

Yeah, that one.

Did you read where we paid $2 million in literal "blood money" to the families so he could get out?

Yeah, well, we did.

Did you also hear that THE VERY NEXT DAY we sent in drone missiles to Pakistan and killed a bunch of them?

Yeah, we did that, too.

Well, all this comes on top of the fact that right now, all over Europe and Pakistan and Afghanistan and who knows where all, people are seeing pictures of our own American soldiers posing with people they killed.  Apparently the dead are easily proven to be civilians--innocent ones, at that--and that our guys murdered them.

Yeah.  Great news, huh?

Radioman covered it pretty well over at his site.  (See link below).

It seems a few soldiers, at least, killed a bunch of Afghanis and then took what are being called "trophy pictures" of their work.  It's all over Der Speigel magazine (again, see link below), etc.

Between the cost of this war, first in American soldiers and then in money and materiel, and then the damage it's doing to us being over there, with the very people we're supposed to be liberating, we're absolutely going to have to leave, one way or another and sooner rather than later.

I mean that and the fact that we've been over there, what, now?  10 years.

This is insanity, is it not?  "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."  A Einstein.

And now we're making friends over in Libya.

The fun just never stops.

Final side note:  As I mentioned at Radioman's blog, it seems you don't see or hear anything of the war atrocities over here in our media, either, in spite of the fact that it's a very hot topic around the world right now.  Der Speigel describes it as possibly unleashing a "Major Public Backlash".

Funny, I thought our media and reporters were like our health care system---the "best in the world".


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