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Monday, March 21, 2011

Baseball season starts today

No, not officially it doesn't but unofficially it is, in effect:

Barry Bonds Perjury Trial Gets Under Way 


It's a shame it has to be this way, too.  I think everyone on the street who follows baseball and this story have pretty much come to the conclusion that Barry Bonds at least misrepresented some truth on whether or not he used performance-enhancing drugs but to me, this is his own and a side issue.

The bigger issues for me, regarding baseball are, first, is baseball ever going to get truly tough on steroids and other stimulants and--far more importantly--when are the fans ever going to truly stand up and take back "their game", by forcing the owners to have a commissioner who is for the game and not the owners?

I don't think we'll see it, sadly. 


Sure, there's far more important and "bigger fish" to fry, so to speak, like the nuclear meltdown in Japan and the thousands of people missing there, after the earthquake and tsunami and the homeless people both there and in Haiti and, for that matter, the rest of the world but grant me this temporary diversion.

If baseball is important to these people--and you know it is--they ought to run it right and well and finally fix these issues, for the good of the game.

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